Tuesday, 24 May 2011

N.G.O Registration

Do you want to register your own N.G.O (Non Governmental Organization) ?

Now you can register your N.G.O in 3 very easy steps:

      Step 1:
  • Think of the name you want your N.G.O to have e.g  HOME FOR ORPHANS INTERNATIONAL, SOCIAL WELFARE ORGANIZATION etc;
      Step 2:
Call PayBill Systems right now on 0721-901523 or 020-2113508 to have the rest of the registration process taken care of for you!

Yes. It's that SIMPLE!

            ~Forget the waiting & the hassles of N.G.O registration, your time is more important than that!!~

Steve Rumo
Marketing Executive
PayBill Systems
Telephone:  0721-901523, 020-2113508
E-mail:   paybillsystems@gmail.com
Blog:      registration-guru.blogspot.com

Company Registration Offer!!

Do you want to register your own company?

Now we are offering a one week offer,starting today, of reduced company registration costs which you can register your company in 3 very easy steps:

      Step 1:
  • Think of the type of services you want your company to offer e.g GENERAL SUPPLIES or OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICES;
      Step 2:
  • Come up with the names you would like to call your company e.g  MAMBO YOTE GENERAL SUPPLIERS LTD or HEAVEN'S KITCHEN CATERERS LTD;
      Step 3:
  • Call PayBill Systems right now on 0721-901523 or 020-2113508 to have the rest of the registration process taken care of for you!
Yes. It's that SIMPLE!

            ~Forget the queuing & the hassles of registration, your time is more important than that!!~

Take the first step to achieving your financial freedom by registering your company today!!

Steve Rumo
Marketing Executive
PayBill Systems
Telephone:  0721-901523, 020-2113508
E-mail:   paybillsystems@gmail.com
Blog:      registration-guru.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Company Registration For IT Fanatics

Hi All,
Today we would like to help IT geeks/fanatics become CEOs.
In what way? You may ask. By starting and registering their own IT company to do what they do best! So, what are the business opportunities open to ICT professionals? The popular choice for most IT geeks would be website development. There are also business opportunities in the line of software(computer programming) and systems development. You can register your firm today and start developing your expertise and brand around this.

There is also the option of designing mobile phone application software (Nokia Kenya may especially be in need of this) or running a computer hardware maintenance firm where you get paid for blowing computers and running computer hardware diagnostics for your clients. There is also an option of founding your computer consultancy firm where you will do general software installations and hardware maintenance for corporations(including blue chip companies) on a regular basis. The list is endless and can only be confined by your own imagination.

The good thing with ICT is that even a student can start the business today since you are equipped to start solving people's problems as early as your freshman year. Microsoft, Google and Dell Corporations are well known global IT companies that were started by students in their free time. With time, diligence and a vision, your company could be the next big thing in the world of IT!
Moreover, these businesses require no factory to set up! With a computer at hand and a modem or in the cyber cafe with some time during weekends to spare, you can start running your part-time business today.

So, take your first step to independence and register your IT business today!

Steve Rumo
Marketing Executive
PayBill Systems
Telephone:  0721-901523, 020-2113508
E-mail:   paybillsystems@gmail.com
Blog:      registration-guru.blogspot.com

Monday, 18 April 2011

Company Registration For Accountants

Hi All,
The basic principle of starting a business is to offer solutions to people's or organisation's problems. And today, we would like to
explore ways in which accountants can profitably solve existing problems especially doing the "boring" book-keeping & accountancy stuff that's the nightmare of every entrepreneur!

To say that there is an entrepreneurship boom in Kenya is an understatement. Now, most companies that we have registered have
issues with their book keeping! One entrepreneur went on to confess that he doesn't understand a bit on taxation and that maintaining his books is killing him!

It's in such circumstances that we say, "out goes the entrepreneurs' zeal, and in comes the accountant."
As an accountant, you need to register your accounts consultancy business today to tap into the entrepreneurial businesses in Kenya.
These entrepreneurs need accountants to file their tax returns; they need you to prepare and sign audited accounts for use by the bank's loan officers; they need your accounting knowledge to help them manage their cashflow.

The question therefore isn't if there is business for you. No! Rather the question is , are you the CPA or ACCA or even the KATC who is
going to tap into this gold mine? If you are, register your business today and start solving these budding entrepreneurs' accounting problems! Who knows, your firm could be the next PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG or Deloitte and touche.
But you need to take the first step...REGISTER IT!
Steve Rumo
Marketing Executive
PayBill Systems
Telephone:  0721-901523, 020-2113508
E-mail:   paybillsystems@gmail.com
Blog:      registration-guru.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Free Marketing For Company Registration!!

Hi All,
Every business, small or big, needs sales to survive! Every businessman would love his business to be the business of choice in a
brutal market place. Start up businesses are even more affected as they are new entrants in a market dominated by older companies. As such, many businesses resort to various strategies to compete chief of which is price!!

Yet, consumers don't buy from you because you have the lowest price. Some would argue their case in the jury that is the market place that theirs is the superior product. But, fact is that your customer doesn't buy your competitors or your products and service due to the superiority of your products/service!

So, why do customers buy from your competitor? Is it because they have been in the business longer than you? NO!
Customers buy from you because of the perception they have of you! They buy from you because they like you; they buy from you because they liked what they heard about you. And marketing is about writing your story well enough and presenting it to as many people.

Marketing makes sure your future customers like your story so much that the only choice they have is to buy from you.
All start-ups need a marketing strategy. That is why between today and 10th of May 2011, every company registered at PayBill Systems gets free marketing consultancy from Midas Media Group.
We don't just want to register your business, our joy comes from the success of customers buying from your company!

Steve Rumo
Marketing Executive
PayBill Systems
0721-901523, 020-2113508
E-mail: paybillsystems@gmail.com

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

How To Register Your Own Company Today

Hi All,
Do you want to register your own company?

Now you can register your company in 3 very easy steps:

      Step 1:
  • Think of the type of services you want your company to offer e.g GENERAL SUPPLIES or OUTSIDE CATERING SERVICES;
      Step 2:
  • Come up with the names you would like to call your company e.g  MAMBO YOTE GENERAL SUPPLIERS LTD or HEAVEN'S KITCHEN CATERERS LTD;
      Step 3:
  • Call PayBill Systems right now on 0721-901523 or 020-2113508 to have the rest of the registration process taken care of for you!
Yes. It's that SIMPLE!

            ~Forget the queuing & the hassles of registration, your time is more important than that!!~

Take the first step to achieving your financial freedom by registering your company today!!

Steve Rumo
Marketing Executive
PayBill Systems
020-2113508, 0721-901523

How A Bogus Broker Cost Me

Hi All,
My name is Jevis Omondi, and I'm an entrepreneur. 
Now, every entrepreneur has a low point,and I'm no exception! However, my low point didn't arise as a result of struggling with no signs of immediate profits, no! Rather, my lowest point was a result of losing a big contract business because, as a sole proprietor and bona-fide hustler then, corporates considered me a one man army, an unpredictable Tarzan offering no sense of business continuity.

So, I decided to incorporate my company and decided to give it to this friend who's a 'Mr. Fix It' of sorts. After borrowing heavily to finance this necessity, the 'gentleman' repaid my kindness by a myriad of inconsistencies ending in his pulling a disappearing act when I really needed my Incorporation Certificate! The process that was at first scheduled to take 2 weeks, extended to 6 months then progressed to unanswered calls!

Then PayBill Systems happened in this forum...they offered to professionally incorporate my company. I was jittery and sceptical, and understandably so, as they were offering to do more than my 'Mr. Fix It' but at a lower cost. A long story short, they had ALL my Company registration needs catered for.

I will not ask you to go to PayBill Systems to Incorporate your company, but I will ask you to avoid your 'Mr. Fix It' and instead use a trustworthy business registration partner to incorporate your company. Well, PayBill Systems saved me the stress & bureaucratic processes associated with company registration, they might just save you from your incorporation head-ache too!

Mr. Jevis Omondi is an IT Entrepreneur. To reach Jevis, call him 0721-811524 or e-mail on jayvis@gmail.com. 
Note that these are his personal views and should not be construed to be the views of PayBill Systems Corporation.