Hi All,
The basic principle of starting a business is to offer solutions to people's or organisation's problems. And today, we would like to
explore ways in which accountants can profitably solve existing problems especially doing the "boring" book-keeping & accountancy stuff that's the nightmare of every entrepreneur!
To say that there is an entrepreneurship boom in Kenya is an understatement. Now, most companies that we have registered have
issues with their book keeping! One entrepreneur went on to confess that he doesn't understand a bit on taxation and that maintaining his books is killing him!
It's in such circumstances that we say, "out goes the entrepreneurs' zeal, and in comes the accountant."
As an accountant, you need to register your accounts consultancy business today to tap into the entrepreneurial businesses in Kenya.
These entrepreneurs need accountants to file their tax returns; they need you to prepare and sign audited accounts for use by the bank's loan officers; they need your accounting knowledge to help them manage their cashflow.
The question therefore isn't if there is business for you. No! Rather the question is , are you the CPA or ACCA or even the KATC who is
going to tap into this gold mine? If you are, register your business today and start solving these budding entrepreneurs' accounting problems!
Who knows, your firm could be the next PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG or Deloitte and touche.
But you need to take the first step...REGISTER IT!
Steve RumoMarketing ExecutivePayBill SystemsTelephone: 0721-901523, 020-2113508
E-mail: paybillsystems@gmail.comBlog: registration-guru.blogspot.com